Demoted to Extra: Despite being one of the main trio in the books and films, Ron is noticeably featured much less compared to Harry and Hermione, who is head of the Aurors and Minister for Magic respectively in the game.There is no switching between professions as soon as the player enters a fortress or starts an enemy encounter.There IS real-time combat against monsters, but it is different from the tap-and-hold of Pokemon Go or defending/attacking sites in Ingress: it is more like a traditional RPG, and requires more screen inputs to aim your wand to attack or defend.The majority of combat is similar to Glyph entering in Ingress (repeating a certain stroke pattern), but there are no set dots to follow, and strength is based on how fast you can input the glyph, not necessarily accuracy.Damn You, Muscle Memory!: Wizards Unite is drastically different from both Pokemon Go and Ingress:.Although it has been nerfed, it is still very useful since it can cause enemies to knock themselves out without even having to spend valuable spell energy. Deterioration Hex causes the enemy to take damage themselves any time they attack the player they are facing. Damage Over Time: One of the specialities of the Professor in Fortress battles.The Cuckoolander Was Right: If this game is to be believed, Wrackspurts, one of the creatures Luna Lovegood and her father believed in, do in fact exist.Professors are able to heal as well, but their healing is quite insignificant compared to what the Magizoologist can do. Combat Medic: Magizoologists are the best of the three professions when it comes to healing their teammates, being able to restore a lot of stamina and even being able to revive knocked out players.using the Polyjuice Potion to replace Alastor Moody for nearly a year, Constance managed to capture her grandfather Matthias and take his role as the leader of the Unforgivable using Polyjuice Potion, as well. Capture and Replicate: In a mirror of Barty Crouch Jr.

The Chosen Wannabe: In some of the unused text for the Voldemort encounters, Constance states that the reason she helped create the Calamity was because she knew that the SOS Task Members secretly want to be the Chosen One themselves just like Harry.Butt-Monkey: The male Ravenclaw student has been interpreted as one by fans due to how common he appears as a Foundable.Broken Masquerade: The whole point of the game is to prevent this.Best exemplified with the Voldemort battle, which forces the player to fight all four of the other Lethal Adversaries to even have a chance to fight the Dark Lord himself. Boss Rush: Adversary encounters work this way, requiring the player to fight between 3-5 opponents in a row to win a battle.Defeating them typically requires players to be high level in their chosen profession and often the usage of potions.
#Wizards unite game update
Boss Battle: The holiday 2020 update introduced Adversaries to the game, enemies taking the form of the series' villains such as Fenrir Greyback and Slytherin's basilisk, among others, who are much more difficult than the normal Oddities players can face.In 2020, the Knight Bus was introduced, allowing players to go to fortresses without having to physically go there due to COVID-19 lockdowns.Even at launch, the game featured a wider variety of confoundables available to solo players, and players were able to deal with fortresses by themselves. The game is much much more solo-friendly than Pokémon GO.Alternative Continuity: WB's official stance is that like everything everything published as a Portkey Games project, this is only "inspired by" the universe and shouldn't be considered canon.This is what Peeves looks like according to J.